
Educational Development and Services (EDS) was formed by educators to provide the most relevant and affordable professional development and continuing education courses to educators worldwide. Partnering with top universities, education companies and educational conference groups nationwide, EDS provides graduate-level credit upon completion of courses.

Recognizing you have many choices when it comes to your professional development, you will find that EDS courses are designed to enhance pedagogical practice and are very relevant to K-12 classroom teachers, administrators and educational professionals. The online delivery model provides 24 x 7 accessibility to you regardless of your time zone or location in the world.

Our team of accomplished instructors continue to create professional learning aligned with evidence-based educational practices and current trends. Our self-paced courses provide a flexible structure allowing educators to access materials and coaching support from their instructor.

Why choose EDS for your professional development? Here are four reasons why!

  1. Relevant and timely courses. Our instructors are engaged with educators across the world and develop courses that are relevant to today's classroom!
  2. When accreditation matters, you will receive graduate-level credit from a CAEP/NCATE accredited university!
  3. Your budget matters! Whether you pay out of pocket or your district sponsors your professional development costs, we strive to keep courses affordable for you. We know it matters - as some of us still teach!
  4. We are flexible! We work with you when life throws a curveball or things come up. We know what it's like to juggle classroom duties, family duties, and your health and wellness. We care and we will work with you to support your professional growth.