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Professional Reading
Bob Wellman
Eddu 9556 Foundations Of Learning
Joe Herz
Edku 9016 Using Technology In The Early Childhood Classroom
Karianne Pulli
Edru 9066 Literacy Instruction For The Early Childhood Classroom
Lisa Dempsey
Edsu 9038 Math Foundations In The Primary Classroom
Lori Spinelli
Ednu 9107 Introduction To Children With Exceptional Needs
Steve Horning
Eddu 9559 Partnering With Families And Community In Ece
Eddu 9557 Music And Rhythm In The Early Childhood Classroom
Eddu 9600 Play Based Learning
Eddu 9558 Phonemic Awareness For Early Childhood Education
Eddu 9555 Early Childhood Development Sel
Edtu 9119 Mental Math Chats Leveraging Meaningful Math Discussions
Edtu 9121 Growth Mindset In Math
Eduu 9345 Yours Mine And Ours
Eduu 9346 Identifying Microaggressions In The Classroom
Eduu 9347 Cognitive Regulation
Eduu 9348 Creating Calm In Your Classroom
Eduu 9349 Creating Culturally Responsive Lesson Plans
Eduu 9350 Developing A Growth Mindset In The Primary Classroom
Eduu 9351 Developing Executive Function Skills In The Primary Classroom
Eduu 9352 Identity And Agency
Eduu 9353 Motor Skills And Sensory Integration In The Primary Classroom
Eduu 9354 Public Spirit
Eduu 9355 Social Skills
Eduu 9356 Stem Steam In The Primary Classroom
Eduu 9357 Teaching Financial Literacy Grades 4 8
Eduu 9358 The Key To Motivation And Learning
Eddu 9604 Professional Reading
Ednu 9666 Advance To Iep Pro
Eduu 9801 Including The Excluded
Eduu 9802 Reversing The Trend From Narcissism To Compassion
Eduu 9803 Teaching For Retention
Edku 9852 Hyperdocs Reinvent Your Teaching
Edku 9853 Google Classroom
Edku 9855 Using Technology To Support Authentic Learning
Edku 9857 Bringing Media Literacy Into The K 12 Classroom
Edku 9858 Creating And Maintaining The Technology Infused Classroom
Eduu 9868 Teaching Lifes Essentials Compassion
Eduu 9869 Teaching Lifes Essentials Curiosity
Eduu 9870 Teaching Lifes Essentials Growth Mindset
Eduu 9871 Teaching Lifes Essentials Inspiration
Eduu 9999 The Art Science Of Eq With Ccss In Mind
Eduu 9872 Teaching Lifes Essentials Resilience
Eduu 9873 Teaching Lifes Essentials Tolerance
Edcu 9895 Creating A Positive Learning Environment
Edcu 9896 Discipline Designed For Todays Classroom
Ednu 9984 Creating An Inclusive Classroom Environment
Eduu 9985 Crafting Your Plan For Health Wellness
Eduu 9986 Health And Wellness For The Educator
Eduu 9987 Teaching Lifes Essentials Happiness
EDDU 9604: Professional Reading
While as teachers, we are constantly looking for ways to motivate our students into becoming lifelong readers, we often...
Kathy Smith
Semester Credits/Units:
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USD $195