Explore how Phonemic Awareness, the ability to isolate, blend, segment and manipulate the individual sounds of spoken language, directly affects children’s success with phonics, and is a critical predictor of reading ability. Discover the various skills that make up Phonemic Awareness, and research ways to teach these skills in your Early Childhood classroom. Participants will create a plan to incorporate these new activities into your existing Early Childhood curriculum.
Course Objectives
In this course, participants will
- Discover the importance of teaching phonemic awareness to young learners
- Explore various phonemic awareness skills young children need
- Research various ways to teach phonemic awareness skills to young learners
- Create a plan to incorporate phonemic awareness activities into your existing curriculum
Course Relation to Early Childhood Generalist Standards:
- Standard I: Using Knowledge of Child Development to Understand the Whole Child
- Standard IV: Knowing Subject Matter for Teaching Young Children
- Standard VI: Managing the environment for Developing and Learning
- Standard VII: Planning for Development and Learning
- Standard VIII: Implementing Instruction for Development and Learning
- Standard IX: Reflecting on Teaching Young Children